Jonan Clinics in Gifu

JapanJonan Clinics



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Japan, 〒500-8263 Gifu, Akanabeshinsho, 1-chōme−21 城南病院
kontakte telefon: +81 58-273-8000
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.387875, Longitude: 136.755211

kommentare 5

  • nbird



    A relative was hospitalized and cared for. The staff were kind, friendly, and gave the impression of a homely atmosphere. The food seemed to be delicious, and they even served event meals. I once went to an outpatient clinic, and when I told them where it hurt, they gave me an injection and a light massage, which definitely worked. I thought it looked good.

  • W Q

    W Q


    Even though he is a doctor, his words and actions are like a yakuza. All staff members are group members. Compulsion from above. The nurses are all old hags. Hospitalization of elderly people costs money, so once they are hospitalized, they refuse to be discharged alive. Elderly = dementia diagnosis. Family visits are supervised by a nurse. If my head is clear, I can't open it and move to the hospital room. Elder abuse is commonplace. Unsterilized slippers are the worst way to prevent infection. Low reviews are hidden and dangerous. Stone age thinking. The hospital looks gloomy and dark. The patient is a hostage. There are surveillance cameras in the outpatient area. This is an insane hospital that does not provide any information to families. Family members will not be permitted to check on the patient's condition after being discharged from the hospital. While in the hospital, he was left alone for medical fees and his medical records were falsified out of a desire for money.

  • chami



    My daughter (one and a half years old) had a dislocated arm, and I was suddenly rushed to see her. Even though it was the last minute for the morning consultation, the man at the reception listened to me carefully without making an unpleasant face, and the nurse who came out later? He was also very kind. I was nervous because I had never been to a hospital before, but when I entered the examination room and saw the doctor at first glance, I knew he was a kind person. He treated me quickly and accurately, and my arm healed on the spot. After seeing the doctor, I waited in the waiting room for a while to see how I was doing, and then the doctor came to check on me again. I thought it was wonderful how he treated me with great care. I feel very relieved and grateful. I'm glad this was the hospital I rushed to. I hope to see you again if you have a chance ^_^

  • まゆ



    The doctor listened to me carefully and was thorough in his treatment. The response from the reception was also good.

  • Y



    I asked for a second opinion. Everything from reception to accounting was polite. The doctor who treated me listened to my symptoms in detail and carefully explained possible conditions. They were also very considerate, offering several treatment options for me to choose from, and writing referrals for cases where they were unable to provide treatment.

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