寄りみちカフェ さん歩 en Asahikawa

Japón寄りみちカフェ さん歩



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三番館旭川本店2F, 15-chōme-右1 3 Jōdōri, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-61-6823
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.7642625, Longitude: 142.3711583

comentarios 5

  • T



    There was a sign prohibiting photography inside the store, which was not there before. The iced coffee was served in a stylish long glass, but there was very little ice and it was lukewarm. (Only 3 small ice cubes after taking a sip) You can only get 10% off with your receipt on 4 types: curry or spaghetti.

  • 成田洋子



    Mika mama is a carefree and cheerful person. Both lunch and parfait are delicious. It's a place where you can easily go alone.

  • 高砂あさっぴー



    A stylish coffee shop on the second floor of Sanbankan. There are quite a few customers. My recommendation is Neapolitan. The chewy, browned pasta is absolutely delicious. If you order a set, it will come with salad, soup, coffee, and ice cream for dessert for 980 yen. There is also a wide variety of sweets, including pancakes and Sujata soft serve ice cream. My favorite is the matcha warabi mochi that can be ordered with coffee. This is an exquisite dish with the flavor of matcha and the sweetness of warabi mochi. A rare herbal tea is butterfly pea. This herbal tea is blue in color. Moreover, when you squeeze lemon juice, the color changes to purple. It tastes delicious and seems to have beauty effects. They also sell accessories, and recently, handmade masks.

  • Ritsuko



    A cafe serving casual snacks and sweets located on the 2nd floor of Sanbankan, a fashion building that mainly sells clothing for senior women. Although the restaurant is somewhat Japanese-style, the menu mainly consists of Western dishes such as spaghetti and curry. As for sweets, the ``Matcha Warabi Mochi Set'' comes with a drink and costs 600 yen including tax, which is a great value. Surprisingly, they have a wide variety of drinks, including butterfly pea tea.

  • お買いものパンダ



    I had the vegetable curry set menu. It came with a drink, ice cream, salad, and soup, and I got change for 1,000 yen. If you show your shopping receipt inside the facility, you will receive a 10% discount.

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