京王プラザホテル w Shinjuku-ku



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒160-8330 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 2 Chome−2−1
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3344-0111
strona internetowej: www.keioplaza.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6902165, Longitude: 139.6943314

komentarze 5

  • Bart Claeys

    Bart Claeys


    Pricey, but great hotel. Stylish, modern and spacious rooms. Very quiet, great views from the top floors. There are several restaurants downstairs and a little convenient store for your late night snacks. The hustle and bustle area (think izakayas and sushi) is a 5 minute walk nearby. If you can afford it, I highly recommend staying here, great for couples.

  • ja



    グラスコートで何回目かのランチバイキング。 一度彼女が食物アレルギーがあると伝えたら訪問のたびに今日のメニューではこのメニューに注意と説明いただける顧客管理の徹底には頭が下がります。(私が女をとっかえひっかえする男だったらどうするんだろうとは思いますが) ランチでもメインのローストビーフは食べ放題。日本人向けにアレンジしない本格的なチーズ。各種料理も付け合わせまで手を抜かず、大変満足です。 またランチワインはグラスで一杯500円とお手頃です。

  • en

    Katherine Garcia


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... The staff were highly accommodating and patient with my American ways and my mother's old Japanese lady's ways. They answered all our questions and gave clear and concise directions on how we can get to our destinations. The hotel itself has a long history and was pivotal in the development of the area. Great selection and quality of food. Our room was roomy, clean, and had a nice selection of amenities. We didn't lack for morning coffee and tea and we hardly had to access our own toiletries. The hotel is close to a couple of train stations and many small shopping districts. We loved our stay.

  • en

    Laurence Michael


    Substandard for the category. I stayed with my family in 3 rooms on a repeat visit after having been satisfied previously, but this time was not a positive experience. I did not get the room. I had reserved; as a Krio Executive member I am supposed to have certain amenities that i was told they could not offer, for example: instead of early check-in we were made to wait hours, well past standard check in time because rooms were not ready; I was downgraded from the room I had reserved and paid for without any adjustment; instead of late check out I was told it would be $80 to extend one hour until noon; the room was shabby: TV was not working properly; front desk staff was not helpful or very pleasant for that matter. Overall the location was good and the building was OK but it is very hit-and-miss with this place and this will be the last time I ever stay here. For nearly $4,000 in room charges for our stay we can do much better in Tokyo.

  • Christina Romero

    Christina Romero


    The staff were highly accommodating and patient with my American ways and my mother's old Japanese lady's ways. They answered all our questions and gave clear and concise directions on how we can get to our destinations. The hotel itself has a long history and was pivotal in the development of the area. Great selection and quality of food. Our room was roomy, clean, and had a nice selection of amenities. We didn't lack for morning coffee and tea and we hardly had to access our own toiletries. The hotel is close to a couple of train stations and many small shopping districts. We loved our stay.

najbliższy Kwatera

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