今谷歯科アリオン en Higashihiroshima




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6598-10 Saijōchō Jike, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0041, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-490-3725
sitio web: imatani.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4290507, Longitude: 132.7298525

comentarios 5

  • Y-SK



    I will only write the facts. ・I had it packed and it came off the same day (during a meal 1 hour after treatment) ・I was told that the number of days would not change because tartar removal can be done in between other treatments. So I asked for tartar removal too → There were days when I only had tartar removed, and the number of days I went back increased. What's more, the next treatment only took the mold and was over in about 5 minutes. ・I was charged a higher amount because I apparently made a mistake in the treatment fee (I was told that the difference was subtracted from the next treatment fee, so the actual amount remained the same) ・As it was the last day of treatment, I asked him two or three questions about what I was concerned about → In the end, he showed his back and did not listen. This is not something that has happened over the years, but rather a short period of time between the first visit and the end of treatment. As expected, I declined the additional treatment that was recommended.

  • M N

    M N


    The doctor uses pictures of teeth to explain things in a very easy-to-understand way. As a highly skilled doctor, he works closely with his patients and suggests various treatment methods. All the dental hygienists were kind and polite. There is a play area and toys for children, and as I mentioned earlier, a female staff member accompanied my two-year-old child during the examination, which was very helpful.

  • 冨士原智子



    polite explanation

  • かーぷよっしー



    The doctor's explanations are easy to understand, and the treatment, including free medical treatment, is tailored to the patient's wishes. The hygienist is also very kind.

  • Nawras Khudhur

    Nawras Khudhur


    Rude, no respect, not recommended

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