精神科・神経科 浜北病院 i Hamamatsu

Japan精神科・神経科 浜北病院



🕗 åbningstider

3312 Komatsu, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0042, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-586-4558
internet side: www.hamakita.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7833146, Longitude: 137.7714605

kommentar 5

  • 御手洗真穂



    When my daughter was admitted to the hospital in 2020, the nurse told her that she would consult with the hospital director because the nurses were giving her medicine incorrectly and she was chewing gum, but when she was hospitalized in January 2020, the nurse in the ward The receptionist and counselors were also very polite and helpful, and the patient's support and listening to the patient's concerns made the patient's problems much better. The reason for the 4 stars was that due to the spread of coronavirus in the ward, family visits were not possible.

  • 青色



    As for the office staff, they always make mistakes, such as registering names incorrectly or making calculation errors that result in them being charged a large amount of medical fees. When I made a mistake on the reservation date, I was not only not given an apology, but also unilaterally told that it was my fault.

  • ウィルソン



    They ask me the questions written on the medical questionnaire over and over again, and I answer the same questions 4 or 5 times. The conversation doesn't progress at all, and I get irritated by having to answer the same thing over and over again. I just wasted my time I don't want to go there again

  • ドカチャンドカチャン



    Female doctors have bad attitudes and are a disaster. People who don't listen to patients' opinions! I think it's better not to go to Hamakita Hospital if you are going to be examined. I'm considering giving it one star.

  • 松田祐子



nærmeste Hospital

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