菅沼矯正歯科 in Toyohashi




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3-chōme-12-3 Hatchōdōri, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0806, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 532-53-4819
webseite: www.suganuma-ortho.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7677664, Longitude: 137.3929378

kommentare 5

  • R C

    R C


    I'm currently attending and it will be finished soon. Although the reviews are surprisingly bad, I personally think it was a good idea to make corrections here. I agree that the teacher's voice is small and difficult to hear (lol) The director is a clinical instructor of the Japan Orthodontic Society. There are quite a few clinics with certified doctors in Toyohashi City, but there are few with instructors, and I chose this one because it was close to my home. I had buck teeth and my mouth was protruding all over, but now it has completely receded and my teeth are now beautifully aligned. I get the impression that someone who had a bad experience is writing here.

  • apricot “千石西町” belltree

    apricot “千石西町” belltree


    I went there until a while ago. Below are my impressions. [Reception] Telephone support is really bad. I once called to change a reservation, and the staff member who answered the phone said something like, ``Could you tell me what day of the week the 24th is?'' Isn't there a calendar at the reception desk? I don't know what to do when I ask a patient about something like that...but there's also another lady, but I don't listen to her at all. I feel like it finally gets across after I've said it about three times. I feel like someone who can't respond flexibly is not suitable as a receptionist. Also, the young female staff at the reception desk has long gel nails that I'm curious about. They may not be performing treatments on patients and may only be doing "reception" work, but I think it's strange to have someone who is perfect at gel nails in a place like a dental clinic, which must be hygienic. [Facilities] Old-fashioned. A decade ago. The chairs are creaky and the plastic on the cup holder is peeling off. The tools used to attach and adjust the braces are also in disrepair. The shoe cabinet also says ``ozone sterilization in progress'', but I wonder if they really do that. Even though they are taking so much money, where does it go? Also, the toilet is dirty. It's unsanitary with hair, dust, and mysterious frizzy hair falling out. The smell...isn't it just covered up with deodorant spray? Are you cleaning properly? Another thing is that a mysterious anime song is being played in the hospital (probably on a wired channel), but I can't hear if the sound is too loud or the teacher's voice is too soft. It would be better if they at least had music without vocals. Who chose the song? [Ease of making reservations] I guess it's easy to make reservations on weekdays. However, I was told to make a reservation in the morning on a weekday if possible, but there were times when there were no vacancies and I was forced to make a reservation in the afternoon. [Fees] Compared to other orthodontics in Toyohashi City, it is relatively expensive. What I find most difficult to understand is that even for the same treatment, the price changes depending on the time of day and day of the week. Also, there is a mysterious "summer vacation price" that requires students to pay a higher price during their summer vacation. Is there a spring break price or winter break price for this? There are also working adults who attend, so there may be a difference of about 1,500 yen. It seems that the fees were revised in 2004 because there were a lot of late cancellations and late arrivals, but that's really just a matter of taking money from the people who showed up late and showed up late, but instead of charging expensive adjustment fees from other people. It feels strange. Or maybe it's just that the reservation system isn't working properly? [Technology] I don't think it's that bad. However, I am concerned about the teacher's age. The skills of the doctor and the knowledge of the dental hygienist are good, but I gave this review because of the responsiveness of the receptionist, the reservation system, the mysterious pricing, and the poor quality of the equipment.

  • ここあ



    Because the socket and teeth are misaligned. I went there from 3rd grade to 1st year of high school. Nothing changed. I also feel pain It just cost a lot of money. (My parents said they spent 1 million) Rip-off. I was told that there were no vacancies for the last one. I even left school early to go there. If it can't be cured, just say it can't be cured. I really want my time back.

  • g



    I laugh at the low ratings for Lawson in Asahihonmachi. When I was in elementary school, I went to a general dentist for a while, but one day they suddenly changed to an orthodontist, and when I went to check in without realizing it, I was turned away at the door. His words were quite harsh and I couldn't say anything and fell asleep crying, but now that I think about it, I'm glad I didn't go through with it. It's been several decades since then, but it seems like the staff, including the staff, have not grown at all.

  • reno kon

    reno kon


    Even after paying for orthodontic treatment, you will be charged hundreds of thousands of thousands of dollars, so other hospitals are cheaper. A few months after I had signed and paid, I was given a verbal explanation that even if my teeth were straightened, they would not be completely healed. Even after two years, I don't feel like it's getting any better.

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