珈琲工房 函館美鈴 西武秋田店 i Akita

Japan珈琲工房 函館美鈴 西武秋田店



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-6-1 Nakadōri, Akita, 010-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-831-0900
internet side: www.misuzucoffee.com
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Latitude: 39.7174202, Longitude: 140.1268473

kommentar 5

  • 会津雲国斎



    Café Nova, which was Seibu's brand name, was rebranded by Misuzu Hakodate, who was originally the owner of the cafe. The menu hasn't changed much. Meals include sandwiches and beef stew. Mocha soft is still alive and well. The affogato and parfait vanilla ice creams are huge.

  • 秋田食べ日記



    [Coffee Workshop Hakodate Misuzu Seibu Akita Store] 2022.9.3 This day is due to business. I was around Akita station. Ramen stamp rally A store I've been to in the past Most of the time, if you concentrate on this It will be impossible to develop new business It's a dilemma. Then, it's tea time I have no choice but to find a way out! It was hot that day, so Soft serve ice cream after a long time I thought I'd eat it. By the way, on the 3rd floor of Akita Station Topico Serves a nice soft serve ice cream There was a shop (Kamodani Coffee Shop). When I headed there... An empty shell... I looked it up and it seems like it closed at the end of May. disappointing. When I regained my composure and looked into it, I found that Located in the basement of Seibu Akita store At the coffee shop “Hakodate Misuzu” Apparently they have mocha soft serve ice cream. This is it! Please excuse me, but until I investigate, I'll go to Seibu. I hope there are shops like this I did not know. I'm sorry m(_ _)m Misuzu's Mocha Soft is When you eat inside the store, It will be served in a coffee cup. Stylish~(^o^) By the way, it costs 400 yen in the store. If you take it home, it costs 390 yen. If the difference is only 10 yen, How to eat elegantly inside the restaurant I'll choose. Ohohohoho. shaved coffee beans sprinkled with A slightly bitter finish. Not too sweet, nice taste. It was delicious♪

  • ひの



    I had the mocha soft serve ice cream. It had a coffee flavor, a refreshing sweetness, and was easy to eat.

  • 4m_ iph_ kzk

    4m_ iph_ kzk


    〈2022/05/07〉 The former store name was "Cafe No Bar," but it was renewed as "Coffee Kobo Hakodate Misuzu" in the summer of 2021. ・Hot coffee: Tastier than I expected. Both the bitterness and sourness were to my liking. If it doesn't suit my taste, I add milk or sugar, but I had this black. ・Chocolate cake: This chocolate cake was beyond my imagination. ・Mocha soft serve ice cream: Mildly sweet (in fact, it's hardly sweet at all). This is refreshing and delicious! (Those who were expecting a sweet mocha soft serve may be disappointed...) I wonder if I should go buy some coffee beans to drink at work next time...

  • 有坂拓也



    Seibu Akita basement 1st floor There are quite a few seats. Today I had a cafe latte. It was mellow, flavorful, and had a nice aroma! I didn't try it this time, but there was a Mocha Soft serve (soft serve ice cream made with carefully selected coffee. ¥378 including tax)

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