Jazz SPOT Intro en Shinjuku-ku

JapónJazz SPOT Intro



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒169-0075 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Takadanobaba, 2 Chome−14, 高田馬場2丁目14−8 NTビル 地下1階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3200-4396
sitio web: jazzspot.intro.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7128908, Longitude: 139.7062758

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ben Wiggins


    Incredible place. True passion for jazz and hands down the best thing I did in Tokyo!

  • Kyle T Miller

    Kyle T Miller


    Fantastic live jazz and the sweetest owners (who also play!). Prices are very reasonable and you get to hear some incredible music. Treat yourself!

  • Jordy Delage

    Jordy Delage


    This is simply the best "Jazz bar" in Tokyo. Very friendly atmosphere, awesome staff. Very high level jazz players there. It's really an incredible place.

  • Charlie Pinsent

    Charlie Pinsent


    Amazing little jazz bar. We went there on the jam session/open mic night and it was amazing!

  • Hilton Lam

    Hilton Lam


    My favourite place in Tokyo so far. This place is MAGICAL. Showered by the beautiful jazz music you’ll gradually realise that a lot of people in the audience can also play music, even professionally! The staff (who plays jazz, bartends and runs the space) would ask the audience if they play jazz and invite them to jam with the band that day. One customer (tourist from Malaysia) went up and sang an amazing song with the band! This place is a unique, intimate and gorgeous bar designed for music lovers to have a close and awesome night with fellow music lovers and players. I love it so much that I would love to give it a 6/5 rating, however, I’m also afraid that too many tourists will make it overly commercial and lose its original taste. I will definitely come back in the future.

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