JAしみず 四季菜Gelato& Café きらり w Shizuoka

JaponiaJAしみず 四季菜Gelato& Café きらり



🕗 godziny otwarcia

250-1 Kitawaki, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0052, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-365-1600
strona internetowej: ja-shimizu-kirari.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0179969, Longitude: 138.4639566

komentarze 5

  • 佐藤雅衣



    I had shaved ice. It filled my stomach more than I expected and was very satisfying. All you can drink Japanese tea today? It was on the server and it was delicious.

  • やあや



    I went there looking for matcha shaved ice, but they didn't have it so I had strawberry instead. It wasn't shaved ice, it was strawberry shavings. It felt very luxurious Next time I want to have matcha revenge The tea included in the special set was also very delicious.

  • w tomo

    w tomo


    I went there right after it opened, so it was empty. My kids and I had ice cream and matcha latte, and the sweet potato ice cream was delicious! The parfait and pancakes looked delicious too.

  • ライ



    A shop I found on the way to Granship Pancakes were fluffy and delicious~ Both the matcha parfait and takeout hot dog were delicious. 2nd time 3/2/2024 I ate takeout Shimizu Dog Special, Harumi parfait, and grilled sweet potato.My mother and I ate half each. Everything is delicious! I was particular about roasted sweet potatoes, but they were sweet and delicious✨

  • M



    JA's restaurant has been renovated into a gelato & cafe with the relocation of Antenna Shop Kirari. Opening on April 29, 2021. I'm glad the restaurant was delicious as well. After 12:00 on Saturday There are a few cars parked there, but the store is empty. Order and pay first. But until I see the gelato, I don't know if I should get a single or a double. There were no other customers, so I took my time to watch it. ◆Double cup 450 yen (tax included) *Edamame & Hojicha Edamame is delicious when ground just right. I wish it had a little more flavor. Hojicha is fragrant. For a moment, I thought it was chocolate. The gelato itself feels like it has a lot of fat, and it gets boring after a while. PayPay possible table 7 Terrace seats available 12 parking spaces, 2nd parking lot available

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