Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital in Ishinomaki

JapanJapanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital



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Nishimichishita-71 Hebita, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0861, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 225-21-7220
webseite: www.ishinomaki.jrc.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.459043, Longitude: 141.2801946

kommentare 5

  • 遠藤遠藤(TM)



    Mr. Okutomo, Respiratory Internal Medicine, I can't even call you a doctor. Please give me back my life. Okutomo, I will continue to grudge you until the day you die. That strange Ishinomaki Red Cross ended my life all by myself. You wouldn't understand that someone would die, not even breathing. What should I do? It's like the feeling of being informed of the end over the phone. There was also a female doctor who misdiagnosed me.More I should have gone to a proper hospital. I regret it.

  • ochaya papa

    ochaya papa


    Before the earthquake disaster, I was trying to hold back no matter what people said to me, but when I asked about the cost, I said, ``Money?! Well, what is money? I heard someone talking about money a while ago. I was wondering how many papers I would have to fill out if someone like you came!” That's your job (lol) I silently tried to complain on my way home, but unfortunately the nurse was very slow in handling my complaint. Most of the staff are decent. However, with the above, there are only doubts about the base hospital, and although I have not made it public, I will once again consult with the headquarters and raise the issue with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and various members of Congress. I had no idea that the JRCS comment section was so chaotic. It's a tough job, but all of my relatives who are doctors are doing it well. Hospitals are also service industries. Be aware.

  • や


    The cars going to the hospital in the morning are occupying the Onagawa Inter exit, so it's probably a nuisance, but I don't mind. If you are injured in the morning, depending on the timing, it may take some time to get to the hospital. Please do something about it.

  • tomo ino

    tomo ino


    Since it's a large hospital, I've been indebted to it several times over the years. The path from reception to accounting is different for each person, but some departments will provide explanations that make sense to you during your consultation. The accounting department is unmanned, but is it a processing problem? There are people who come out early and people who come out late. Well, it's a big hospital, so it's like this, right?

  • 堺市森



    For years my brother and I went here for Brugada Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis related incidents even though our doctors were in Sendai because our mother worked here and They always took great care of us we were also brought here during the 2011 Earthquake and they took great care of us like usual I highly recommend this hospital

nächste Krankenhaus

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