Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital w Hiroshima

JaponiaJapanese Red Cross Hiroshima Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-9-6 Sendamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-8619, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-241-3111
strona internetowej: www.hiroshima-med.jrc.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3808459, Longitude: 132.4543211

komentarze 5

  • スマイル



    Thank you for taking care of me for a total of 3 weeks before and after surgery for my femur fracture and before being transferred to the rehabilitation hospital. I had to take him away in an ambulance, and it turned out to be a broken bone. However, the total femoral replacement surgery was performed using excellent technique. I was also impressed by the caring and detailed care provided by all the nurses. I'm grateful that my rehabilitation teacher encouraged me, and although I still use a cane, I was able to walk and was able to transfer to another hospital. All the staff members were always smiling and kind, which made my heart feel at ease. The hospital was so comfortable that it was a shame to be transferred there, and the hospital was filled with the best specialists. It would be better not to be hospitalized again, but if something happens again, I would like to ask the Japanese Red Cross. We will continue to follow up on your progress and provide outpatient care.

  • 電気うに



    A huge hospital that towers like a fortress. It's big🐜, and we have a variety of skilled specialists. The first floor of the building looks like a mall, with a long hallway, a convenience store, a restaurant, a barber shop, and a library🐜. It's stylish with Kaccho A's drawings on it. The lobby in front of the reception is large and includes a cafe with the Siren seal🐜. The bill is an automatic payment machine. There are also digital signboards with timetables for nearby bus stops. All the tools of civilization are there. The parking lot is also quite large.

  • Maxim Ross

    Maxim Ross


    The Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital is a beacon of hope and resilience. Situated in the heart of Hiroshima, this institution stands as a testament to the city's remarkable journey from devastation to revitalization. Born from the immediate necessity to treat the countless victims of the 1945 atomic bombing, it has since grown to become a leading medical facility, offering top-notch care and specializing in the unique needs of atomic-bomb survivors. Visitors and patients alike can't help but feel the deep sense of history and commitment embedded within its walls. The hospital not only delivers exceptional medical services but also conducts pivotal research on radiation-related illnesses. Through its existence and work, the Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of peace, healing, and perseverance.

  • Paul Jensen

    Paul Jensen


    Went here for my COVID vaccine. They handled the whole process very gently and efficiently.

  • bn spo

    bn spo


    I hope everyone will be ok, yet it is a good hospital

najbliższy Szpital

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