Japan Post Sapporo Minami-Juyojo Office en Sapporo

JapónJapan Post Sapporo Minami-Juyojo Office



🕗 horarios

7-chōme-2-17 Minami 14 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0914, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-531-0390
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0414061, Longitude: 141.3494144

comentarios 5

  • 3 9

    3 9


    Anyway, I'm picky about the regulations. The female employee who responded was clearly irritated with a stiff face. If you are going to make such a face, please think about how to respond.

  • Ai M

    Ai M


    The employees explain things in detail and respond quickly, which is good, but compared to other companies, they are more detailed and strict with their regulations. I use them for some things, but I always use other companies because they are cheaper. The office space is small, making it difficult to write addresses and pack items. Other stores always stock things like duct tape, but they won't lend it to you unless you tell them.

  • 魁龍



    The parking lot can accommodate 1 to 2 cars 😊

  • マサ札幌



    I was wondering what would happen with the closure, the mailbox gone, and the building being demolished, but as far as I know, this is the second time it has been renovated, and the building is a little further back. It says it is currently open for business. Although the building has changed since ancient times, it is a post office that has been on Gyokei Street for a long time. It's been over 50 years. I'm glad it's still on Gyokei-dori, which used to be a busy street. I miss the days when there was a Kimraya bread store next door. It's a shame that I have to park on the road.

  • morie mm

    morie mm


    I use it all the time, and the female staff members are very responsive. However, when I sent a keychain to a friend by regular mail, I had to have the thickness measured at the counter, but that was a bit of a hassle. I thought the envelope would tear. After that, I said, well, I'll pass with this. It was an older male employee💦Even though there were already stamps on it. I was wondering how you would respond to that. Does that mean I have to try again if it breaks? I was surprised at how sloppy the response was.

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