Japan Post Sapporo Kitanodori Office en Sapporo

JapónJapan Post Sapporo Kitanodori Office



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-13-97 Kitano 3 Jō, Kiyota Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0863, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-884-1311
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0133145, Longitude: 141.4313963

comentarios 5

  • Y K

    Y K


    I went there for the first time. It was a very beautiful post office. The woman who helped me was polite and nice, but the other women with long hair were unfriendly and made small voices like "Welcome". A young male employee is staring at me, which doesn't make me feel good.

  • ta ko

    ta ko


    There is a very unpleasant woman and a young man. It's administrative and doesn't care if I'm in trouble. This was the closest post office, but I don't want to go there again.

  • Tomo (Cypress Hill)

    Tomo (Cypress Hill)


    It's not a post office that I use regularly, so I don't know how the reception staff will respond, but I get the impression that the parking lot is difficult to park and the ATM space is small. However, there is a postbox along Kitano Dori, so it is a good place to drop off letters and envelopes. Also, if you use it before visiting the nearby Super Arcs Kitano store, DCM Homac, or Bunkyodo Kitano store, I feel it is convenient to a certain extent. In addition, I find it very convenient to deposit a portion of the money withdrawn from the bank ATM at Super Arcs Kitano branch into my post office account.

  • ちっちぶぶっく



    I went to the counter to drop off my mail and handed it to a female clerk, but she didn't check to see if it was snail mail. I always ask for regular mail at the post office I use, but why did they suddenly stop checking? Do I have to state the conditions? I've been concerned about two people who seem quite bossy and have bad attitudes (both women). I go there because I have kids and it's within walking distance, but if it wasn't, I definitely wouldn't want to go or ask.

  • 星夜旅人



    I use it because it's nearby and convenient. There are many beautiful office workers. The service at the counter is friendly, prompt, and courteous, making it a useful post office in the Kitano area, where there are many elderly people. There are supermarkets and convenience stores nearby, making it a safe and comfortable place to live.

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