Japan Post in Nagano

JapanJapan Post



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sakuraechō-635-1 Nagano, 380-0862, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 26-234-4756
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6587652, Longitude: 138.1861209

kommentare 5

  • yun yun

    yun yun


    Thank you for your continued support. Everyone is very kind, and I always go there with my daughter, and they take great care of me. There are only two parking lots, so even if you go there occasionally, if there's no space, you'll have to pass by. lol The lady who parked next to me the other day parked in the post office parking lot and went into a bakery two doors down. This kind of thing is a nuisance to the post office, and I think it's a nuisance to the customers, so I think it's better to stop it.

  • 345 “‪タマ‬” ピエロ

    345 “‪タマ‬” ピエロ


    Landscape stamp. Zenkoji temple landscape stamp tour. (Card is free) The woman at the counter seemed kind.

  • おすし



    The employees were very kind.

  • のら猫Stray cat

    のら猫Stray cat


    It's small and there isn't much parking available. I think it's probably intended for locals and tourists.

  • Ayako A.

    Ayako A.


    Although it is small in size, it is a quaint post office located near Zenkoji Temple. The staff at the counter are kind and the landscape stamps are cute.

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