Japan Post Katsuyama Branch en Shimonoseki

JapónJapan Post Katsuyama Branch



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-6-23 Akine Minamimachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0872, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 83-256-2979
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.0076558, Longitude: 130.9513645

comentarios 5

  • 大田ナム



    I came to buy stamps, but there was only one staff member at the post office, so I had to wait quite a while. There were no customers at the bank counter, and there were two staff members. Shouldn't we prioritize the customer in front of us?

  • r



    I contacted them to apply for a direct debit, and they responded in a kind and courteous manner.

  • makisuke



    I was impressed to see a wonderful manager who puts himself in the customer's shoes and serves customers with consideration and a smile. Thank you very much 😊

  • 篠原勝則



    This is a newly opened post office with a nice atmosphere. Although there are many customers, the employees are also cheerful and courteous. It's a post office where the director and all the employees work so energetically that you'll want to come back again.

  • エコスタキャット



    It's easy to park your car. A certain staff member The dimensions of the Yu-Pack package seemed to be just around the corner. When I asked for confirmation, it seemed like a hassle. Even though I fit it into just 60cm, it was measured comfortably. I was told, "No, it's no good. Things have become stricter." That's too bad!

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