Japan Post Futomi Office en Tobetsu

JapónJapan Post Futomi Office



🕗 horarios

1480-58 Futomimachi, Tobetsu, Ishikari District, Hokkaido 061-3799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 133-26-2050
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.1925144, Longitude: 141.4471772

comentarios 5

  • あーくえんじぇるまるろく



    It seems to be the only post office in this area, and although there are many visitors, there are only a few parking spaces, so most of the time people park on the street. Even the post office cars are parked on the street. Isn't it causing a nuisance to the neighbors? It seems that parking on the street is the norm rather than waiting for a parking lot to open, but I don't know if it's because it's a rural area or if the local residents tolerate it, but there doesn't seem to be a problem with parking on the street. We do not recommend parking on the road. I don't know where to line up when I get inside. If there is no one there, I head to the counter, but there are no directions or signs on the floor, so if there are multiple people, they just stand there casually, and I have no idea what their order is. I don't know if it's a coincidence or a routine thing, but when I do come, there are times when only one person is available, even when it's busy. Even though they rarely come, I think the fact that there is only one person responding means that this is how they operate on a daily basis. Give yourself plenty of time. A total of 3 stars, minus 1 point and 2 points for the announcement of where to line up and how to deal with crowds.

  • 鈴木典子



    This is the perfect post office for being kind and polite.

  • Takehito Matsuda

    Takehito Matsuda


    A post office in front of Tobetsu-cho Futomi station! There is one ATM.

  • 淺生和美



    They were selling curacture items⁉️I wanted to buy them, but I was in a hurry so I couldn't buy them and went home (.>д

  • y t

    y t


    My Japan insurance policy expired five or six years ago, but the dividend was less than I expected, and the amount I paid was considerably more. I don't remember whether I was informed about this point when I signed the contract. Japan Post's fraudulent contracts have been an issue since around the year before last, and I think that expired contracts should also be investigated. I think I joined because a staff member named Kubo encouraged me to join.

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