Japan Post in Haga

JapanJapan Post



🕗 öffnungszeiten

509-1 Ubagai, Haga, Haga District, Tochigi 321-3399, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 28-677-0001
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5483553, Longitude: 140.0633922

kommentare 5

  • A A

    A A


    When I inquired about a package that had been shipped due to an error, they immediately checked and responded politely, alleviating my concerns. When I first called, the male staff member who answered the call finally said, ``Thank you for taking the trouble to contact me,'' and I was filled with gratitude, even though I was the trouble. I have also used the counter for things such as shipping luggage, and the staff I have dealt with, regardless of gender, have always been polite and kind. The parking lot is also inside the gate of the post office, so it is larger and easier to use than the nearest post office. I will continue to use them in the future.

  • 食いしん坊イエロー



    In addition to using flea market apps, I have also used post offices in various locations, but the people at this counter are the most polite and wonderful. I will continue to use it!

  • Góc của Giang

    Góc của Giang


    On holidays, ATMs still operate normally. Post office staff are enthusiastic and provide detailed instructions on procedures. The only thing I don't like is that Japanese ATMs operate like office workers going to work during office hours, not open 24/7 like in Vietnam.

  • りお



    The attitude of the lady at the reception is very bad. I ignored my response and started responding to the next person. Also, when I asked for Yu-Packet Post stickers, they went to pick them up and said, "It's a Yu-Packet Post sticker~Yes, yes," and when I said 〇set, they went to pick it up without asking and asked for 〇set. When I said yes, she whispered to me to say it first and went to get it. I will never use it again. We recommend using another post office.

  • すみ



    Very kind! ! The only inconvenience is that the parking lot is small, but I always use this post office because the customer service is pleasant! !

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