Japan Post i Kanazawa

JapanJapan Post



🕗 åbningstider

5 Chome-86 Matsumura, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0348, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-267-2903
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.59102, Longitude: 136.6126111

kommentar 5

  • Warot an (わろたん)

    Warot an (わろたん)


    Parking available. The store has a warm, country-like interior. I visited her for a New Year's gift near the end of the year. Due to the unexpected situation that new banknotes are out of stock. It was a little disappointing.

  • ひめビック



    We received kind and courteous customer service.

  • ペテルギウス.



    The receptionist is kind, but the parking lot in the back is small and difficult to get in and out. It's hopeless when a big car is parked.

  • ちんたん



    Next to the post office sign is a golden dragon object, the symbol of Kanazawa's sister city, Ghent, Germany. This dragon is also available at Kanazawa Central Post Office

  • 雪国しいたけ



    I use the post office all the time, but the old lady who has been working there for a long time sometimes makes mistakes in paying non-standard charges. Those who were charged a lot of fees, huh? If you think so, it's better to point it out.

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