Jannedaarc in Kagoshima




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Japan, 〒892-0842 Kagoshima, Higashisengokuchō, 3−39T MAX BOWL 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 99-227-2701
webseite: jannedaarc.shop
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.5907855, Longitude: 130.552097

kommentare 5

  • かっちゃん



    I took out the ``Joan of Arc'' curry🍛😊 This is good for 600 yen 😍 I can also feel the spice more than that The flavor of the beef is well blended in. You can arrange it simply 😊 When I ate it with fresh cream, it tasted even better. The roux alone costs 450 yen, so it's a good deal 😁

  • manma 48

    manma 48


    I like cutlet curry, so this was my first visit, but I ordered a large serving of loin cutlet curry with rice and roux, but I ended up regretting that I should have ordered a regular serving! It's good that the curry is spicy enough that even children can eat it, but personally I don't think it has enough flavor...I don't know. That's what it felt like! You can adjust the spiciness using the spices provided on the table. The meat of the cutlet is hard, so it's difficult to cut with a spoon, and I personally can't taste the flavor! It was a shame because the store staff's response was very good.

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    The food is very yummy, good curry, and it's nice and mild. Staff was super polite and humble, and explained the concept very well. Atmosphere, I wonder if it can be better, as the restaurant is located within an entertaining building. Good effort though for the price.

  • tushar Chakraborti

    tushar Chakraborti


    The katsu curry is delicious

  • you zen

    you zen


    curry good!

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