JA Okinawa en Naha

JapónJA Okinawa



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-9-1 Tsubogawa, Naha, Okinawa 900-0025, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-831-5555
sitio web: www.ja-okinawa.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2024338, Longitude: 127.6802814

comentarios 5

  • TAK U

    TAK U


    When I arrived at 8:30, I heard from the guard that it would open at 9:00. Please correct the information.

  • Shu Kawaguchi (Choux8Soutenable)

    Shu Kawaguchi (Choux8Soutenable)


    Agri-conglomerate that can build this gigantic building

  • G



    Even though it is the main store, there is a male employee in his 30s who chews gum every time he goes there. No one around me paid any attention and pretended not to notice. As someone who also serves customers, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

  • kenji g

    kenji g


    Banks and insurance stores. Agricultural cooperative. The building is new, the parking lot is larger, and the ATM is easier to use. The building houses a restaurant called Ewarasaki 3rd Floor, which serves meals made with domestically produced foods for just one coin in collaboration with JA Okinawa and the National Mutual Aid Federation, and the 3rd floor of the Agricultural Cooperative Kanko Okinawa Branch. There is a guard in the parking lot so you don't have to worry about it.

  • Najib Mestaoui

    Najib Mestaoui


    the staff was very kind i want there becuase i needed to pay my gas bill due to payment expired for CS

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