Izumi Post Office in Sendai

JapanIzumi Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

8-chōme-10-3 Shōgen, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3132, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-943-924
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.3336213, Longitude: 140.8763229

kommentare 5

  • おたんこナス



    Yu-Pack delivery. When I was at home, I received an announcement about the delivery locker, and even though the intercom wasn't ringing, I looked outside and saw a delivery vehicle speeding away from the condo complex. I'm sure they're busy, but they just leave the name of the person in charge on the absentee slip, but they don't mind putting it there. I was surprised because I thought Amazon was the only one that did this.

  • m tk

    m tk


    Even though there was someone at home, I was left there without permission. Inside is a high-quality beauty serum. I was exposed to the scorching sun for several hours in a busy area... It's the worst. I have nothing but anger.

  • 丹野幸恵



    When I heard the chime, I stopped washing the kitchen and opened the door, but he wasn't there. Ping pong dash? I was thinking that, but there was an absentee vote in the group mailbox... huh? That's what I thought, but I had no choice but to request a re-delivery and it was scheduled to be delivered from 12:00 to 14:00 the next day, so I waited, but there was no chime, so what? When I checked at 3 p.m., I saw an absentee vote...Isn't that weird? ! There wasn't a chime, so I wasn't wearing earphones, so I was waiting. I don't know what it was, but it can't be helped since it was sent to me, but I seriously didn't want to use it.

  • ひみきろ



    They place things on their own, send them by mistake, and the counter response is sloppy. I suffered a great deal of inconvenience due to the incorrect delivery due to an error by Izumi Post Office, so when I complained over the phone about the incorrect delivery, I was always given the same reply that they could not. It can't be helped, but first of all, the woman in the postal department didn't apologize and had the worst attitude.

  • m i

    m i


    This is a large post office that collects parcels from nearby post offices, but compared to smaller post offices, I feel that the service is quite sloppy. Small post offices are polite. On a different matter, the Yu Packet Post Mini is sold out even though it's on sale as a product...It seems like resellers are taking advantage of it, but isn't it possible to mass-produce envelopes that just have 4D codes? A normal company would respond quickly. Too bad.

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