Izakoi Takadanobaba en Shinjuku-ku

JapónIzakoi Takadanobaba



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒169-0075 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Takadanobaba, 3 Chome−1, 高田馬場3−1−16 宝来ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5272-1013
sitio web: izakoi.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.71468, Longitude: 139.703369

comentarios 5

  • ja




  • ja



    店铺欺负中国人,周四14个人三小时的食べ飲み放題コース,愣告诉一次只让点五种食品!飲み物只给上了四个大水壶,告诉喝完一个换一种。整场三个小时就吃了不超过五样东西,饮料酒水还没味道!所有商品没上全就L.O,L.O的东西点了也没上,到点儿就哄你走。这种店不去也罢! この店は中国人に不公平な招待した。14人は3時間食べ飲み放題コースが何でも食べなかった!1回5種類な食べ物が注文した!14人が5個食べ物!飲み物は4個壺に入れて、私たちが自分でお酒を落とす。私は初めて見てそんな飲み放題。それに、注文した食べ物がよく送らない。7時から10時まで、私は5個食べ物を食べただけ!

  • Jessica



    Good and cheap place to come with friends: 3000円 for all you can drink and all you can eat for 3 hours! The food is average but good enough for the price. Very cool atmosphere and nice staff!

  • Joseph Chew

    Joseph Chew


    We had dinner for two consecutive nights here. If you want a quiet dinner, this will not be the right place for you. The crowds are mostly youngsters and you can laterally feel their vibes. The food is cheap and delicious, but note that there is a table charge of about ¥400 per pax.

  • en

    Jose Barrios


    If you're a lover of anime and manga then this is the place for you. The place is filled with anime figures and posters. The staff is fun and friendly and make the place come alive with their birthday chants and drink special promos (they'll shut off the lights and bring out a disco ball). The food is tasty and have all you can drink options for a good price. Recommended to go Friday and Saturday nights with a reservation as those are the days it's most active.

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