Iwai orthopedic medical hospital w Edogawa City

JaponiaIwai orthopedic medical hospital



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8-chōme-17-2 Minamikoiwa, Edogawa City, Tokyo 133-0056, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5694-6211
strona internetowej: www.iwai.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7337872, Longitude: 139.8847479

komentarze 5

  • Michiko Niikura

    Michiko Niikura


    Six years ago, my husband underwent surgery for a hernia in his neck. At that time, the only hospital that was within easy reach of my house was a surgical procedure that involved making a large incision, so I searched for a hospital that had a good reputation and that would cause as little damage as possible and that performed a large number of surgeries. Although it was difficult to travel far, I was able to have the surgery performed at this hospital. I was anxiously waiting for the surgery to finish as I was worried that something would happen to my neck, but I was really relieved when the doctor came right after the surgery and directly informed me that it was a success. I still remember that. The surgery was performed after the condition had worsened, so it was not completely cured, but the symptoms were significantly reduced, and six years later, I am still able to work safely. I heard that at a nearby hospital, a great doctor (surgeon) alone decides on the treatment method, but at this hospital, several doctors discuss and decide on the treatment method. I felt very safe. Thank you, teachers.

  • 村上大介



    I have suffered from both hernias in my lower back and neck for many years. A friend introduced me to Iwai Orthopedics, and I have been visiting the clinic from far away. At first, she was treated with medication, but the pain did not go away, so at her doctor's recommendation, she decided to undergo hernia surgery first. A year later, the pain disappeared and I was doing well, but my neck gradually got worse and my hands became numb, and I was considering surgery, but I had an opportunity to go to a larger hospital for another matter. When I asked for a consultation about my neck, I was told that unless there is something really wrong with my neck, I should be careful when deciding on it, so I did a lot of research. During that time, I consulted with various doctors and they told me that I didn't need surgery yet, and they prescribed different medicines than Iwai Orthopedics, and I underwent rehabilitation with traction and electricity, and now I'm feeling much better. My condition has improved to the point where I don't need surgery. Looking back now, Iwai Orthopedics has no other medicines available. Surgery is the only option. I have a suspicion that he was acting like that and was trying to prescribe weaker medicines to lead to surgery. I now wonder if I really needed surgery for my lower back or if there was something I could have done before that. I wrote this review in hopes of helping those who are suffering from lower back and neck pain. Please refer to it if you like.

  • EX ksk

    EX ksk


    I was introduced to Shinohara Pain Clinic after suffering from a herniated disc in my lumbar vertebrae due to a traffic accident. The doctor was guided by Dr. Takebayashi. The explanation, way of speaking, response, and surgery were all perfect. I don't remember anything about the surgery because I was put under general anesthesia. But when I woke up, the numbness and pain in my lower back and legs were almost gone. It's not 100%, but I'm very satisfied. I had been enduring this pain while walking and standing for a year, so I can only say that I am satisfied that I am free from this pain and numbness. thank you very much. Thank you to the receptionist, nurses, and everyone involved in the surgery. I would especially like to thank the nurses for their assistance in turning me over after general anesthesia. Sorry for saying something I didn't understand after being under general anesthesia... Also, I don't think it can be helped that the waiting time is long. It's a hospital, so it's normal for there to be long waiting times. Please wait patiently.

  • M N

    M N


    Because the nerves in my lower back were compressed, I couldn't sleep well at night, and my legs hurt so much that I could barely walk for five minutes. After the surgery, I can now walk for an hour without any problems. I was grateful that my hospital stay was short. There are a lot of patients in the waiting room, and with the exception of some doctors, you have to wait as patients are admitted first. Even though they are busy, the doctors and nurses at both the outpatient and inpatient clinics are kind. I'm glad I asked here.

  • 大先生



    I was admitted to the hospital for surgery for a herniated disc in my cervical vertebrae. I was suffering from excruciating pain in my shoulder and left arm. Other doctors prescribed painkillers, but they didn't work. I'm going to knock on our hospital's door with the intention of getting a second opinion. He suggested endoscopic surgery, which would only leave a 1cm incision and require a four-day hospital stay. I had surgery yesterday and was discharged from the hospital today. I'm impressed and have no pain at all. It's to the point where I forget I even had the surgery. The outpatient clinic is crowded and you have to wait for a long time, but if they provide that level of treatment, you should be patient. Even if you wait an hour, most hospitals can only treat you with compresses and painkillers. The staff in the inpatient ward were also wonderful. I used a single room, but I think it's cheap considering it's within the 23 wards. It costs about 15,000 to 25,000 yen. I used a room for 15,000 yen, and it had perfect privacy. If you are suffering from neck and lower back pain, we recommend you to use this without hesitation.

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