Itojibiinkoka Clinics en Nagano

JapónItojibiinkoka Clinics



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川端-348-12 Takada, Nagano, 381-0034, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 26-227-3400
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.646292, Longitude: 138.209255

comentarios 5

  • so cha

    so cha


    The teachers, nurses, and receptionists are all so kind. It's a good thing that the medicine can be prepared in-house, but it's a shame that they can't test for infectious diseases.

  • Equinoxes



    The reception is open until 5:45 pm, and the prescriptions are in-hospital, which is really helpful when I don't have time to go to the pharmacy after work. I feel that he is a conscientious doctor.

  • mamaゆそた



    I took my son who is a junior high school student. He was a kind teacher who talked to my son instead of passing the discussion on to his parents, and even accepted my son's poor explanations. I was suffering from chronic rhinitis, but after a month of going to the clinic, it has gotten much better.

  • くりきんとん



    I had sinusitis from a summer cold, so when I called him to confirm, he treated me very politely, and even when I had to see him suddenly, he listened to me with a firm nod. It was really helpful to be able to clearly tell me what was wrong with it and that I couldn't recommend it. The doctor was a little tough, but his eyes were very kind, so if I had any problems, I would ask him to see me again.

  • のら猫Stray cat

    のら猫Stray cat


    The inside of the hospital has a classic atmosphere reminiscent of the Showa era or the 1950s, giving it a calming feel. The doctor and staff were calm, and I felt at ease during my visit with their gentle explanations and manner of speaking. I'm thankful that I don't have to change from shoes to slippers. I changed into slippers that I didn't know who had worn them, and I put my shoes in the shoe rack even though they were my own...I don't think it's hygienic no matter how you look at it...I don't think it would be that much harder to clean the hospital. I think that's what impressed me the most. The parking lot is on the right side of the building, diagonally across, the paved parking lot on the west side of the bento shop, and the gravel parking lot behind it are also marked as for visitors. It seems that it is crowded on Mondays and Thursdays (most other otorhinolaryngology clinics in the city are closed), but when I went on Tuesday, I was able to see the doctor without having to wait.

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