Ito Dental Clinic w Shinshiro

JaponiaIto Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Ushiroda-11-8 Hirai, Shinshiro, Aichi 441-1361, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 536-23-8020
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.909041, Longitude: 137.5012608

komentarze 5




    My daughter, who is not good at dentists due to the trauma of having a tooth extracted suddenly at another dentist, was examined by the doctor.The doctor was very kind and insisted on not having the tooth extracted as much as possible, so all the sisters didn't mind recommending it to other siblings.The receptionist I thought it would be better to give guidance to them as their attitude and impressions were bad both on the phone and in person.

  • kouchan machan

    kouchan machan


    He responds politely and explains things in an easy-to-understand manner.

  • べる



    Regarding the teacher Kind and very good! However, the woman at the reception (always the same person) The attitude is so bad that it would be a shame to go there. I think it would be better to give proper guidance. That's an arrogant attitude Even on the phone, he has a bad attitude. When you hang up the phone Before the other person can cut, you will immediately cut with a clanking sound. I don't think it's suitable for reception at all. It's a shame as he is a very good dentist. Please check this post and improve it.

  • 太郎右衛門ひょっとこ齋



    Are all dentists busy? Will the treatment take longer? The receptionist's attitude was from above, which bothered me.

  • 今泉修市



    Thank you for your help over the years. Kind and polite. The seasonal flowers outside the window will soothe you.

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