イタリアン・トマト CafeJr. 富山フューチャーシティー店 w Toyama

Japoniaイタリアン・トマト CafeJr. 富山フューチャーシティー店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒939-2716 Toyama, Fuchūmachi Shimokutsuwada, 婦中町下轡田165−1富山フューチャーシティー1F
kontakt telefon: +81 76-466-1728
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.6624195, Longitude: 137.1718049

komentarze 5

  • ひそまそ



    Two people ordered the same pasta 🍝. The sauce was biased towards one person's plate (my seatmate) and I couldn't believe it was the same pasta. The arrangement is a photo fraud. The strawberry shortcake 🍰 is also cut into one hole, so the number of strawberries 🍓 is uneven. Is the kitchen a part-time job?

  • 0 y

    0 y


    Itatoma! I don't often come across them when I'm out of the prefecture, so I stopped by when I returned home. I went in for an after-meal coffee using the ordering system at the entrance. The cakes were lined up in rows and looked delicious.

  • 上野剛史



    My family and I used Italian Tomato Cafe Jr. Toyama Future City branch in Favore. It was very reasonably priced, and the delivery time after ordering was quick, and the staff were cheerful and helpful, making it a pleasant experience to eat and drink. I feel that the following Italian Tomato management philosophy is being implemented at each FC store. The symbol mark is Red...red of passion White...pure white Green…The rich green of the earth The colors of the Italian Tomato symbol mark reflect our feelings. Basic goal of Italian tomatoes Always keeping in mind our corporate management philosophy of ``A company that creates love and dreams,'' we appeal to our customers' sensibilities and provide ``heart satisfaction.'' We do not limit our business to simply providing food; we value encounters between people, create a variety of life scenes that occur there, and contribute to the improvement of culture and the local community in a wide range of ways through new ways of food culture. .

  • takeru .y

    takeru .y


    Good value for money It's fast and the store is bright. Wow, the pasta is a bit chewy. I personally like it~

  • みすず



    It was hot and the cheese was delicious! There were more than 2 cups of royal milk tea💖

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