Ishiya Hot Spring Hotel i Iwaki

JapanIshiya Hot Spring Hotel


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Yunokuchi-5 Yotsukuramachi Tamayama, Iwaki, Fukushima 979-0216, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 246-33-2525
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Latitude: 37.130139, Longitude: 140.931026

kommentar 5

  • kazuya takeda

    kazuya takeda


    Although it is an old inn, it has a charm. As soon as you enter the hot spring, you can feel the slippery feeling and it is very spacious and comfortable. For dinner, I was very satisfied with the sashimi that I couldn't finish, and in the morning, I was also very satisfied with the side dishes, rice, and miso soup. I want to go again.

  • フルカワリエ



    The food was delicious, the portions were plentiful, and I was very satisfied. They also thought about the dishes to suit the children. The food was very good♪ The bath also has nice thick hot water♨️ The friendly proprietress was also very personable. Thank you very much 😊

  • k y

    k y


    I had a very relaxing time at this quaint inn. The hot springs were the best, so smooth and smooth that I soaked in them many times. There were only two groups a day, so it was great for families with children because they could bathe in the family bath. As long as you had slippers on, you were allowed in, and you were free to enter from 6 a.m. (breakfast starts at 7 a.m.) and at night until 9 p.m. There were also three toilets on the second floor, from the left: men's, Japanese, and Western. Breakfast was also very delicious. It was designed with children in mind, and the hospitality was great. It takes about 6 minutes to go to Wonder Farm from the inn, so we had a barbecue there for dinner. The next day, we also had a tomato harvesting experience. There is also a supermarket Martoku, so you can shop within 15 minutes from the inn.

  • toshi take

    toshi take


    A quiet hot spring inn in the mountains. The building had a nice atmosphere as well. The landlady is also very nice. The hot spring water was also very smooth and good. The sashimi was so delicious that even though we were a family of four, we couldn't finish it all. Just to mention a few things, we have face towels, toothbrushes, and yukatas, but no bath towels or hair dryers. It's limited to 2 groups, and the bath is like a family bath, so I think some consideration is needed. Also, I couldn't use the shower because the water pressure was low and only water came out.

  • ラガーラガー



    Truly a hidden gem! We only accept two groups a day, so it's very quiet. Although it is not a new building, it is made of wood and has an atmosphere. It was cleaned properly. The most noteworthy feature is that the water is clear, colorless, and odorless. The temperature is a little hot for my liking, and although it's not an open-air bath, the large glass windows give it a feeling of openness. It happened to be a rainy day, but even if it wasn't sunny, it was great to take a bath while watching the raindrops fall on the trees and flowers. Meals include standard sashimi and sukiyaki. It's so voluminous that women might not be able to eat it all. I want to go again.

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