Ishikawa Dental Clinic en Fujieda

JapónIshikawa Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-4-8 Seko, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0082, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-643-4618
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8627344, Longitude: 138.2420689

comentarios 5

  • サマータイム



    Am I the previous generation? Since the time Is this your dentist?

  • あーにゃ



    (good point) ⚫︎The building is beautiful ⚫︎Checks every time for harmful bacteria →It also shows images. will explain ⚫︎Privacy is ensured as it is a private room. ⚫︎Explanation is given before treatment and treatment is performed after the patient is satisfied (Bad point) ⚫︎The treatment varies depending on the dental hygienist. →When I was 5 minutes late, I could feel my frustration and didn't like cleaning my teeth because it hurt. →I don't like it because it depends on my mood. There are many young people ⚫︎For some reason, the receptionist who is not a dental hygienist wrote about the first dental check. ⚫︎When cleaning your teeth, the dental hygienist finishes without the teacher coming to check. →This is the most mysterious At any other dentist, the doctor always checked at the end. →I don't check, but for some reason when I'm paying at the reception desk, he pops up and says thank you. I'm not a salesperson, so it's okay to say hello, but you might want to check it out.

  • ころまる



    I was distrustful of dentists, Things changed when I came to Mr. Ishikawa. She is very close to the patient and explains carefully what kind of treatment will be done next. Regarding the presence or absence of anesthesia and the teeth to be covered. He listens carefully to our intentions. The staff, as well as the director, are friendly and kind and make you feel at ease.

  • AZ



    The teachers and staff are very kind! She always greets me with a smile and makes me feel at ease. In addition, he explained the situation before, during, and after treatment in a very easy-to-understand manner while taking photos of my teeth, so I was able to leave it to him with peace of mind. The treated tooth can be used comfortably without any stains or pain. Thank you for your very thorough treatment! The hospital is new and the waiting room and restrooms are all very clean. In terms of hygiene, the treatment table and floor are always clean, and the equipment is well-packed and sterilized. Also, all of the water in the hospital is purified using a special device, so he is a dentist you can trust as someone who takes care of your mouth! I understand why it's popular.

  • ぽんてぽんて



    The teachers and staff are all kind. He explains things clearly and clearly. Also, the children's space is spread over two floors and feels like a secret base. After your child's examination is finished, give them a toy as a reward for their hard work. My son loves this dentist.

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