Ishii Dental Clinic in Kusatsu

JapanIshii Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒525-0027 Shiga, Kusatsu, Nomura, 1-chōme−20−28 エステート草津メディカルプラザ2F
kontakte telefon: +81 77-569-0030
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0276514, Longitude: 135.9576612

kommentare 5

  • O M

    O M


    I couldn't bear the pain in my tooth, so I went to see a doctor. The staff and doctor listened carefully to my wishes, and I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. I used to go to a different dentist, but I will be using this one from now on.

  • MS FJ

    MS FJ


    I was scared of the pain during the nerve procedure, but the anesthesia worked well and I didn't feel any pain at all. thank you very much!

  • k o

    k o


    All the staff are kind and polite. The teacher also understands this idea. Thank you for remembering my symptoms.

  • みーたろ奥沢



    After the Marufuku customers left, the nurses and doctors were badmouthing me and even leaking personal information to me, which is not ethically acceptable. Even though I was careful about my oral hygiene, I was told that I had 10 cavities in my teeth. Shocked, I went to a different clinic and found no cavities. Dentists can dig and bury holes without permission, so be careful. A clinic that only treats itself as a business. The reason it's highly rated is because Sakura wrote it. .

  • Y U

    Y U


    A friend introduced me to him, and today he visited me as my child's dentist's debut. We had talked quite a bit at the entrance, but when I sat down on the examination table, my face stiffened and stiffened, so I thought I was going to cry, but everyone was so kind to me that I didn't cry and was able to see me with my mouth open. . Thank you very much.

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