Iryo Hojin Yoshimitsukai Hiro Dental Clinic i Uji

JapanIryo Hojin Yoshimitsukai Hiro Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒611-0031 Kyoto, Uji, Hironochō, Nishiura−71−5 S.C OKUBO201
kontakter telefon: +81 774-45-4618
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.875087, Longitude: 135.777753

kommentar 5

  • あむむ



    It was a very thorough inspection and explanation. I was impressed that the inlay could be fitted within a week. I was hesitant about transferring, but I wish I had decided here sooner. I also think that the motto of treating cavities with as little removal as possible is wonderful. Take care of your teeth.

  • まゆ



    Since he is 6 years old and scared, I was unable to get the treatment I wanted at the dentist, so as a last resort, I visited a pediatric dentist here. Everyone except the director was kind and responsive, but the director was the worst. As soon as I looked in the mirror, I was told in a high-pressure manner that if the treatment was difficult at my previous dentist, then we can't do it either, so I thought I should tell them at the time of making the appointment. What's more, it happened when I was 3 or 4 years old because my mother didn't take proper precautions. They told me to come here when I was 0 years old, etc., even though I was currently coming for treatment, and they made fun of my childcare. I will never go there again. I can't believe that even though he is a pediatric dentist, he doesn't even support parents.

  • s t

    s t


    A 3-year-old child's debut as a dentist. At the examination table with a children's space, the children were shown their favorite anime (Amazon Prime Video and Netflix) while the treatment and preventive dentistry policies were explained to them. Afterwards, the parents sat in the chairs next to the child, and the child sat alone on the examination table while the dental hygienist brushed the teeth and removed tartar. Next, I asked the teacher to check the condition of my mouth to make sure there were no cavities. I was in a good mood when I got to play Gacha Gacha at the end. Both the hygienist and the teacher were very kind and asked things like, ``Can you sit by yourself?'' ``Which toothbrush should I use?'' ``What flavor of toothpaste do you want? What do you like?'' ``Touch this tool to remove tartar. "I'll kill the germs," ​​she reassured my child, but she helped him get his teeth checked by himself, so even my son, who doesn't like going to the hospital and still has a period of reluctance left, was able to persevere until the end. . I think I have become more confident and will be able to continue going to school with peace of mind. I myself was treated by the doctor, and the hospital is really child-friendly, even with an 8-month-old child who was examined while being held in his arms, and the staff even held him during X-rays. I am also very grateful for the policy of treatment that does not involve cutting down the teeth as much as possible. Only one teacher? It's difficult to make an appointment since the clinic is open, but even with that in mind, it's a dentist you'd want to visit as a parent and child.

  • t ao

    t ao


    The director and the staff involved in treatment are very kind and thorough. However, the receptionist's response was disappointing. I didn't have my long hair tied up and was wandering around looking filthy, and the receptionist didn't make me feel at home.

  • なちてぃ



    I went there the other day after being introduced to it by an acquaintance. The tooth I had been treated by the dentist I used to go to didn't heal well and the treatment took a long time, but after getting it treated by Hiro Dental, my tooth pain disappeared and I felt refreshed. The director also answered all my questions one by one, giving me the impression that he was very thorough. The clinic was also very clean and had a relaxing atmosphere. I would like to continue going there in the future.

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