Iryo Hojin Takeda Clinics in Nogata

JapanIryo Hojin Takeda Clinics



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16-3 Furumachi, Nogata, Fukuoka 822-0027, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 949-22-0139
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.7483807, Longitude: 130.7267845

kommentare 5

  • 田染右馬助



    I underwent a medical examination with a gastroscopy and CT scan. At other hospitals, they look at the images and explain each step one by one, but It felt sloppy. He clearly had an attitude of wanting to get it over with quickly, and when I asked him questions, he snorted and said, "Hmph," and then gave me a sloppy explanation. I'm not exaggerating, but it really makes me laugh out loud. (Isn't it rare in everyday life to behave in such a condescending manner?) I can't accept being treated like this while undergoing an expensive and risky test. Are you properly diagnosing it? Have I overlooked something? I feel anxious. You should at least look the patient in the eye and have a face-to-face conversation, not just while doing so. It was a mistake to visit this place because it had a good reputation in my father's time. It wasn't local anesthesia, so looking back I was horrified at what was being done.

  • 釜揚げしらす



    About 3 years ago, I went to the hospital due to stomach discomfort. A gastroscopy was performed and medication was administered. The test results showed that it might be a rare case (goosebump gastritis), so I had another gastroscopy done two weeks later. After that, I did not see any results and my symptoms did not go away. I visited another gastroenterologist. When I told him the story, he said, ``I was prescribed drugs that were the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do, either to stop or move the stomach.'' I had a gastroscopy done here, and the results were good. The discomfort is gone. I still haven't heard the results from 3 years ago. Reexamination for teacher's credit. It's not a test bench. I would like the cost of the gastrocamera to be refunded! ! ! I'm waiting for a reply from the hospital.

  • 勝野公一



    Rubella antibody test (blood test) received from Nogata City I went to receive it. I was able to call and get tested the same day. It took about 20 minutes from reception to the end of the test. The doctors and all the hospital staff were very He was kind, so I was able to take the test with confidence. Thank you for calling out to me many times, It would be helpful if you could answer my questions ❗ There is also a smartphone charger in the waiting room, which is helpful. It seemed like vitamin injections (garlic injections) were also possible, so I thought I'd give it a try. . really bright and nice It was a hospital with a nice atmosphere.




    It can be accessed in 3 minutes on foot from Nogata Station. It was clean and I felt safe and able to undergo the examination.

  • * Coffey

    * Coffey


    It is located in a shopping street near Nogata Station. A clean and sophisticated clinic. There is a designated parking lot within a 20 second walk. A conscientious clinic with a parking lot paid by the clinic (1 hour). I underwent a gastrocamera examination. Up until now, I had tried gastrocamera several times at other hospitals, but it was by far the easiest. The anesthesia before the procedure was tough, but I only felt a slight discomfort in my throat after the procedure. In the future, I would like to have a check-up at this hospital. A hospital located in a shopping district, Next door is an eyeglass store, opposite is a pharmacy, and diagonally across the street is a bookstore. It's on your right when you come in from Nogata Station.

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