Iryo Hojin Arise Family Dental Clinic in Kobe

JapanIryo Hojin Arise Family Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Arise-1455-1 Ikawadanichō, Nishi Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-2113, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-974-6480
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6638322, Longitude: 135.0119363

kommentare 5

  • bobo9314



    I'm currently undergoing treatment, but the doctors are courteous and most of all, very speedy!

  • Saya Tsuda

    Saya Tsuda


    About 2 years ago, I went to see the doctor because I lived nearby. Prior to that, I visited another dentist 25 years ago, but even after treatment, I had the same problem again within a year. Cover it? However, it came off easily so I finally decided to remove it.

  • power athlete

    power athlete


    First visit on Sunday night due to swollen gums. Medical fees for tests and treatments The attitude of not increasing the number is a good impression. At the first visit, only antibiotics were administered. A brief explanation of the prognosis is provided.

  • 柳原宜成



    Thank you for your help this time. With proper medical examination. Also Let's go. thought. ``The dentistry here is really good. I think he is a good dentist, he is very polite and the director kindly explains things to me. ” I had a crown placed on my tooth, Even though I'm busy, He will do everything he can to make sure you are satisfied with the combination. Director, thank you for always being so busy. I think this dentist is a really good dentist.

  • 横谷寿則



    I was given appropriate treatment while consulting with them. It is also very helpful that we are able to provide medical treatment at night on weekends and holidays. He's a kind and good dentist, even if I move. I've been through this far.

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