イオンスタイル狭山 en Sayama




🕗 horarios

1126-1 Kamiokutomi, Sayama, Saitama 350-1333, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 4-2969-7700
sitio web: www.aeon.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.8679789, Longitude: 139.4104283

comentarios 5

  • WingSan Ng japan

    WingSan Ng japan


    Free shuttle bus service ,it’s save transportation fare😊

  • Bernadette Estepa (Gaijin Guide)

    Bernadette Estepa (Gaijin Guide)


    Would have been a really good shopping center/ mall because it has lots of stores inside and I did have a good shopping experience because I found the things I needed/wanted. However, I don’t think I would probably come back. The location is the issue. Unless you have a car, the mall is not as accessible because there is no bus stop nearby. The nearest station is Sayamashi. From there it takes 17-21 minutes one way. If you take the bus from Aeon Sayama, there is a total of 17 minutes walk as well, 8 or so from the mall to the bus stop, and another 8 or so from the bus stop where you have to alight to start walking back to the station. Or at least that’s what’s in googlemaps. It’s not convenient for people without cars or their own ride. It would be hard to buy a lot, too because it’s hard to commute with heavy bags. Zannen.

  • 尾崎紘一




  • s vs (subesu)

    s vs (subesu)


    nice place to spend a day with kids

  • Bjoern Henkel

    Bjoern Henkel


    Love the roasted chicken and the bakery.

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