イオンスタイル各務原インター i Kakamigahara




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2-chōme-3-8 Nakakayabachō, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0943, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 58-375-3500
internet side: www.aeon.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.3925267, Longitude: 136.8216312

kommentar 5

  • Elaine Cris Pelesco

    Elaine Cris Pelesco


    Good place to hang out with family. A lot of choices and relaxing.




    There are many cars in the parking lot from the morning.

  • vilma sawanami

    vilma sawanami


    sooo wide inside the mall

  • Samuel John

    Samuel John


    Medium to large size mall. The parking is huge but on weekends it can be difficult to find a spot. This mall is popular. Huge game arcade, huge top value store, huge food court, huge book store, huge Toys R Us, huge kids amusement area. There is a bicycle store and garden store on the ground floor beside Top value. A rare find is the burger king found on the ground floor, crepe restaurant, and a juice bar. This area also hosts music performances on weekends. You'll find H&M, GU here side by side too. food court on the third floor has McDonald, KFC, pasta, taco yaki, steak, ramen, and many other options. There is a big electronic store too, Joshin. A good shopping mall.

  • kemal turkkan

    kemal turkkan


    I love there because its huge and you can find anything you want there! My favorite shop is kaldi! Little bit expensive but cool!

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