イオンスーパーセンター石狩緑苑台店 w 石狩市




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒061-3230 北海道石狩市緑苑台中央1丁目2
kontakt telefon: +81 133-75-9800
strona internetowej: www.aeon-hokkaido.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.1590473, Longitude: 141.3349382

komentarze 5

  • Maxドンキー



    This store had its grand opening on September 23, 2005 as a suburban store. The previous day, on the 21st, there was a pre-opening with limited admission☺️. It was an interesting supermarket as it was opened on a vast site with a one-story parking space for 1,600 parking spaces. At the end of April of this year, a one-story parking lot with 2,000 spaces was opened in Mikasa City on a large site. In April 2006, we opened a third Super Center store in Teine Yamaguchi, Sapporo🆗. When Ishikari Ryokuendai opened, there were 29 specialty stores, and it was a store that had almost everything for fashion, restaurants, services, and daily life☺️. Initially, the store was fully stocked, but the current store's specialty store floor does not seem to have changed in terms of customers even though it has been renovated💣. The left and right sides of the store from the southeast entrance are in completely different zoning from when the store opened😱😅. Also, the scenery from the home fashion entrance and specialty store entrance has no trace of what it was back then. Especially since the food court has disappeared and all the snacks are gone, it doesn't feel lively. Currently, it is a car sales location for Kuruman Sapporo, and I feel very uncomfortable in that space😱. It seems that they have filled it for now because they can't find a tenant. There's nothing like a food court😱. In the long term, I think it's a big negative factor in shopping centers without food courts😱. Also, the SM side has changed a lot since it first opened, with Asbee shoes 👟 filling up a considerable amount of space opposite the POS cash register. From the moment it opened, it can be assumed that this is a store that made tenant managers cry. Recently, GEO, 🍛 Mr. Curry, and 💅 Nail Salon have opened and are doing well, but many tenants are closing down, so it feels like they're just lining up events in empty spaces 😱. Regarding the service function of bank ATMs, Aeon and other banks are separated, and I feel that the original shopping function of the store has disappeared. Isn't this due to the current situation where empty spaces are simply filled by companies other than those in the same industry due to repeated tenant departures and new additions? I think that the. Aeon's directly managed department has enough products for daily life, so the only advantage is that you can leisurely shop around on weekdays👌.

  • ぱぱ(パパさん)



    I went there after hearing that there was a popular ramen restaurant, but I was disappointed. The worst part was that I could hear the staff talking in the kitchen, and the tables were not served. I wonder if the idols are getting expensive?

  • 69ROCK



    A horizontally moving SC type ion often seen in the countryside. We have a wide range of products, so you can find almost everything.

  • パパメタボ



    At the end of April, the tenant sales floor was extensively renovated, new stores were added, and the layout was changed. The food court, which had been suffering for a long time, was closed down with used cars lined up, and now they are replacing it with a simple eat-in restaurant. It's not as good as Yokado, including the withdrawal of Miraiya Shoten, but I think the highlights are Daiso's expansion of floor space and the opening of Geo, Shularoo, and Mr. Curry stores.

  • Bikash Giri

    Bikash Giri


    Nice at.osphere

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