イオン大安店 i Inabe




🕗 åbningstider

1945 Daianchō Takayanagi, Inabe, Mie 511-0272, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 594-88-0111
internet side: www.aeon.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1095561, Longitude: 136.5435596

kommentar 5

  • ゴルジイ



    The food court was great! I had the Vegetable Ankake Ramen, the Gomoku Vegetable Ankake Ramen, and the Sara Udon Gomoku Vegetable Ankake. It was cold so it was delicious. There was a street corner piano in the corner, and it was being played.

  • ゆきほ



    It's an unmotivated store. The air conditioner doesn't work every summer and winter to save electricity. First of all, the air conditioner in the food court is not running. You can tell by looking at the air conditioner blades. The chairs in the food court are worn out, but they haven't been replaced, and the desks are rickety. There are no tenants at all. Filling out the questionnaire will not improve your situation. Why doesn't it collapse? It would be better to turn it into a mall in terms of customer traffic. I don't think there are many Aeon companies that are so incapable of looking at things from the customer's perspective.

  • BL0WJ0B G00DJ0B

    BL0WJ0B G00DJ0B


    Good boy.

  • 姿見三四郎



    I came to the store while shopping because it was nearby, and even on holidays I was able to shop without crowds. I'm happy, but it's tough from a management standpoint. I think there is also Toin Aeon Mall nearby. Disappointment award for a store with problems in its main customer power

  • 弥宗右衛門



    There are a little less customers, but on the other hand, it's easy to shop around and it's very good. I come here instead of the crowded shopping center because I have all the things I need for the time being (^-^)/ There are shoe stores on the first and second floors, and the daily necessities are not organized by genre, so it feels like you have to walk around the store for a long time just to get a few items, but it's quite crowded. I don't mind because I don't do it, but people who are coming to buy it for the first time might be a little confused (^^; If you don't know where it is, we recommend asking the store clerk as soon as possible (lol)

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