Interbank en Chiyoda-ku




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒101-0023 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Matsunagachō, 7
contactos teléfono: +81 80-8743-5850
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6995638, Longitude: 139.7747631

comentarios 5

  • Katie P

    Katie P


    Ninja Money Exchange on the 5th floor (take the lift) definitely the cheapest rate Ive gotten in Japan (even better than tourex) so good! Close to Akihabara station and quick exchange. Wish Id known weeks ago!

  • harry azari

    harry azari


    One of the best place for forgin currency's exchange with best rates

  • en

    malik djiar


    👍 want to change Money? Do not hesitate go there. The entrance is not obvious,it's in the same side of the Yoshinoya. 5th floor.

  • en

    Raymond Li


    Not the most convenient and easy to find location, but well worthy looking for it. Best rates compared to the street. It's on the 5th floor!

  • Diego Cosentino

    Diego Cosentino


    Excellent exchange rate! You have to get directly into the building and go to the fifth floor. The door to get into the building is open, it's very hide but don't worry, look for it!

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