Inazawa Kosei Hospital i Inazawa

JapanInazawa Kosei Hospital



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Jitchōno-7 Sobuechō Honkō, Inazawa, Aichi 495-8531, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 587-97-2131
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.251959, Longitude: 136.732593

kommentar 5

  • Y M

    Y M


    My wife gave birth at this hospital. The doctors and midwives were all so kind, and my wife and I are glad that we were able to give birth at this hospital. Although it looks plain, hospital food seems to be very delicious. Since I live outside the city, it is unlikely that I will be able to take care of them in the future, but when my child's last checkup was over, I felt a little sad that I would never come again. Hospitals tend to have poor reviews, but for us it was a very good hospital. We hope that not only our patients will be healthy, but that our staff will be healthy as well.

  • 2 w

    2 w


    It seems to be deep in the mountains where there is no signal, so even if a family member is hospitalized or unable to move due to intravenous drip, they have no choice but to go outside and contact them. Hospitals these days have wifi, right? Even though the staff carry phones around, patients are unable to contact them even on LINE, which is extremely troublesome. I went there because it was close to my house, but it was an isolated island on land. It's an incredible hospital.

  • 星月晴奈



    When I went to the internal medicine department as a new patient, I was thoroughly examined and a CT scan was taken, which revealed the diagnosis of my illness. I am so grateful that I had a good teacher.

  • ミミッキュOYAだよ



    First, patients visiting the hospital for the first time should: 1. Beginner's Desk Applications will be accepted at the Introduction Desk. However, the person in charge here, a middle-aged woman, In any case, he is unkind, unfriendly, looks down on me, and is extremely unpleasant. It's my first time, so I don't know, When I told him that I wanted him to tell me again, “Didn’t I just say that?” That's what I said. The people at the reception desk at the front entrance, how do you say this to a first-time visitor? You are really kind, but why? I don't want to go there anymore because I have a bad impression that there is a person like this at the counter who is the face of the hospital.

  • ぐらころ



    I had a fever of 38.5 degrees, so I called and asked if I could see a doctor, and I was told that I could, so I headed there right away. There was almost no waiting time between the reception and the examination, and I thought it would have been nice to be seen quickly, but the examination was the worst. After examining my throat, I was told, ``It's red, so it must be a cold. Colds will go away if you leave them alone.'' Coronavirus tests are only done for people with chronic illnesses and the elderly,'' he said. I would have been fine with either, but I wanted them to do a flu test, but they said, ``You have to wear protective clothing, so I can't do it.The flu will go away if you leave it alone.'' I came here thinking that if I had the flu, I should take medicine as soon as possible. What is the reason for fever outpatient treatment? It's too bad that they charge money for such a consultation... I immediately made an appointment for a different illness. I will never go again. Zero stars.

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