Inatsuki Post Office en Kama

JapónInatsuki Post Office



🕗 horarios

1475-1 Iwasaki, Kama, Fukuoka 820-0205, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 948-42-0042
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5954168, Longitude: 130.7179757

comentarios 3

  • 建築見習い



    The other day, I received a notification from the Postal Savings Bank that I was receiving my pension, so I went to ask for advice with my pension bill and the notification, but they turned me away❗️So I called the contact number that was listed on the notification and told them that I was treated like this❗️. I said I didn't think anything like that would happen, so I went to Iizuka Post Office and asked them the same thing, but the response was completely different❗️The staff at Inazuki Post Office are terrible❗️

  • りお秋



    The car is parked outside the parking lot line. Only those with good physiques are always treated poorly. I feel tired and lack understanding.

  • こな



    The wheelchair parking lot is quite small❗ For general vehicles, there is a long distance from the parking lot to the station entrance❗

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