Ikuyama Dental Clinic w Kasuga

JaponiaIkuyama Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-2-1 Takaramachi, Kasuga, Fukuoka 816-0807, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-588-2122
strona internetowej: www.ikuyama-dc.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 33.5354618, Longitude: 130.4599744

komentarze 5

  • ć¾ć‚‹ć¾ć‚‹



    I started taking off my mask, became conscious about my teeth, and looked for a dentist. It's been a while since I've been to the dentist, so I was nervous... I felt at ease because the teachers and staff all listened to me kindly and with smiles on their faces. I thought I would try my best at treatment from now on! ! Iā€™m glad I went! ^_^

  • 恊恙恗



    The clinic is clean and the staff are very kind and approachable, making you feel at ease! The teacher also thought about various things and was very kind to me! I would love to visit regularly šŸ¦·

  • ćŸć‹ć”ć‚ƒć‚“



    I moved to Hakata Ward and was looking for a dentist near my home. I suddenly jumped into Ikuyama Dental Clinic.In conclusion, the doctor was a big hitšŸŽÆ.Despite his young age, he is more of a craftsman than a doctor.He provides excellent treatment. He is a recommended dentist ^_^

  • 0101 P

    0101 P


    Thank you for your detailed explanation, I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind!

  • s k

    s k


    I always feel safe using it. I decided to go for a dental checkup and checkup because it was close to where I had moved, the homepage looked good, and the clinic was clean. The good thing is that there is no waiting time. You will not have to wait and will be shown to the examination room on time. The staff and teachers are calm. This is the first time I have met a dentist who speaks in such a calm manner, tone, and intonation. I am reassured by how good it feels every time. I've been to about 3 other dentists, but I didn't like them because of their cold voices and expressions, but everyone here is very friendly and I think it's a wonderful hospital. I like that you can see the plants from the treatment room window. The four treatment rooms have large windows that allow you to see the plants. That alone calms me down. Other dentists tend to have a closed-off feeling with walls, calendars, and pictures, but this one has a private room with a window so you can see the plants from the open space, which is very nice. I like the building and the hospital. It doesn't look too much like a dentist, the waiting room is white and clean, and the treatment rooms are private, so overall it's good. I'm glad I found a good dentist. I've been to the doctor many times now, and I've never been treated in a negative way. The treatment will be completed soon, but I would like to continue to have regular checkups and maintain a clean mouth. Everyone is so kind, so I think children will feel safe here.

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