Ikebukuroekimae Post Office en Toshima-ku

JapónIkebukuroekimae Post Office



🕗 horarios

1 Chome-17-1 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tōkyō-to 170-0013, Japón
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3982-9635
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.731956, Longitude: 139.715036

comentarios 5

  • Seiichi Ota

    Seiichi Ota


    黄色いフクロウが目印の郵便局です。ポスト以外は普通の郵便局。 っていうか、ここを駅前っていうの無理がありすぎじゃない?

  • _ Yuuri

    _ Yuuri



  • にゃんこゴールド




  • naga shi

    naga shi



  • en

    J F


    Noisy, crowded, has only 3 seats for you to sit on and wait, and trust me, you will be waiting for a long time to get anything done here. The staff are especially slow and rude except for this one tall youngish guy who seems to be the only staff member who knows what they're doing. I have been sending money from Japan back to the US for the past 5 years but every time I seem to get this dumb female big-eyed staff member "helping" me who has no idea what she is doing and has to take 5 min to consult with every other staff member about every step of the process. I seriously think she has brain damage. Pray that you don't get called by her. Actually, if you do get called by her you should just give up your spot to the next person in line, seriously. I only came to this particular post office because it was close to work but recently I've found a better one close to home that is light years better. The staff here actually smile and they take 10 minutes to send money rather than over an hour. No exaggeration! Avoid this Ikebukuro post office like the plague! Also, it's right next to a park and a cafe where you can see over 200 people gathering to smoke. It's a literal plague. Try anywhere else!

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