IKEA Tsuruhama en Osaka

JapónIKEA Tsuruhama



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-24-55 Tsurumachi, Taishō-ku, Osaka, 551-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web: www.ikea.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.636868, Longitude: 135.4498357

comentarios 5

  • Lisa Yokoe

    Lisa Yokoe


    I like going to IKEA not only for shopping but also the food. I also like trying to limited edition food.

  • Jay Xudan

    Jay Xudan


    Awesome store. The cafe is A must ! Good selection is amazing. It’s a family affair there . Highly recommend it!

  • Jawad Haqbeen

    Jawad Haqbeen


    An excellent IKEA store! The ground floor offers a fantastic range of snacks like ice cream and hash browns. The second floor primarily features a restaurant area and showrooms. If you're arriving by car, the parking lots are conveniently located on floors 3 to 5, with elevators serving as the main access between these floors and the ground level. Accessing the second floor requires using a separate set of elevators, providing direct access to the restaurant area. Additionally, there's 'Småland', an engaging play area for kids aged 4 to 10, offering an hour of free playtime for your little ones. Highly recommended! I prefer it over Ikea Kobe.

  • Iryna Nakamura

    Iryna Nakamura


    favorite store where you can get inspired by ideas about your own comfort! delicious food in the restaurant and the opportunity to buy groceries home! I’m especially glad that you can buy their signature cakes and sometimes crayfish! thanks to the staff for their friendliness!

  • Anna Kataoka

    Anna Kataoka


    Good place to go if you're looking for furniture in Japan. More expensive than Nitori but I don't think it's as expensive as MUJI. I enjoyed the displays they had, and I feel like the layout was organized nicely. That being said, it does get EXTREMELY crowded during the weekend. The first time I went, I had to wait 2.5~3 hours in traffic just to get into the parking lot. If you aren't planning on buying any furniture to bring home with you in your car, I highly recommend taking the bus or finding time during the week to go. Also, I believe they are restricting the amount of people allowed inside the building at one time due to COVID. I am not sure how long that is going to last for. All in all, a nice experience. Just remember to be patient with people walking super slowly and blocking the walkway. I'd also recommend the food court!

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