Ieda Dental Clinic i Ibaraki

JapanIeda Dental Clinic



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3-chōme-12-31 Shimohozumi, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0041, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-631-6202
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.814816, Longitude: 135.552542

kommentar 5

  • いがわけー



    I went there a few years ago. I had the impression that the treatment was done fairly carefully, but every time I went back 5 or 6 times to treat my molars, a new laser was inserted, so if I did that, the treatment would be completed in one visit. Afterwards, I was told that it would last longer than regular treatment! Moreover, the trial price is now 10,000 yen. At first I refused, but if I don't do laser treatment immediately after that, it will still take a while. I was told that it would still take a long time, so I asked if it would last longer, and the treatment was over after one session of laser treatment. So, what were the treatments you've had so far? How many more times would I have had to go without the laser? If that's the case, it would have been nice if they had told me from the beginning that the laser would be coming in soon...I felt a sense of disbelief. However, if it's still as effective as it is...and if it only costs 10,000 yen and only needs to be done once, I'd like to have one more laser treatment done. When I said that, I was told that 10,000 yen wouldn't be enough next time. It will cost quite a lot. I stopped going there because I felt like they were more concerned about money than patients.

  • Yu Ma

    Yu Ma


    As others have commented, I had to go many times to talk to the hygienist before treatment, which was also difficult to do while working. However, I still managed to arrange my time and go there with my family. Although I had been going to the clinic for many years, my front tooth had fallen off and I was in a lot of trouble. However, I wanted to see a doctor right away because it was a front tooth, but when I called, I was told that they couldn't see me because they were fully booked. I asked if I could request it because I don't mind the waiting time, but I was told no, and it would be next week at the earliest... Did they mean that I had to spend five days without a replacement front tooth? When I contacted other dentists, they didn't have any reservations, so I had to wait a while, but when I went to see them, they treated me even though it was my first visit. I still receive checkup postcards for my family, and I can't believe they don't help me when I'm in deep trouble. I don't want to go there again.

  • りんこ



    I have been taking care of my son for about 2 years since I was concerned about his misaligned teeth. When I started hearing about a device called V-Kids, the chafing on my jaw that I was concerned about improved. Although he still needs orthodontic treatment, he explains things while comparing photos before and during the process, and now that he's seeing results, he's motivated and working hard. You can listen to a variety of topics including orthodontic treatment, as well as nutritional education, lifestyle habits, and training.

  • otomo miyabi

    otomo miyabi


    I went there a few years ago, but I think I went there for 5 or 6 years. I can't make a reservation anyway. I was told that I couldn't get an appointment for my regular check-up once every three months, so it would be four months later. Once, when I was supposed to see a hygienist and a doctor, they said, ``The doctor is busy today, so I'd like you to come again another day.'' The patient was free. Are you thinking? I felt uncomfortable. One day, someone told me, ``I've been concerned about it for a while, but I have a cavity. I'll have to have it cut down and get a silver filling.'' I got so angry that I changed hospitals. Why did he not tell the patient that he had a cavity in his tooth that he had been concerned about for some time, and let it go to the point where he had to get a filling? When he went to another dentist, he found that he had other cavities, and they had white fillings that were not covered by insurance, which ended up costing him a lot of money. What was the regular checkup done once every 3 months? Wasted time and money.

  • M M

    M M


    About 15 years ago, I had several teeth treated by Dr. Ieda. I was introduced to it by a colleague and it was close to my workplace. The tooth that was treated by Dr. Ieda is still intact even after 15 years. It has become a part of the body. I have been to 5 different hospitals over the past 15 years due to a new workplace, but at the worst clinics, the cover will come off after 1-2 years, and the longest it will take is about 5 years. I was very impressed by the way the doctor treated the nerves, and if that didn't work, he carefully cleaned all the way down to the roots. At other hospitals, this is almost non-existent. Having experienced a lot of things, I can really understand how good a teacher is. As soon as possible, I would like Dr. Ieda to treat me all over again. When I go to the dentist. I wrote this down because I remembered it.

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