Ichikawa Dental Clinic in Kikuyo

JapanIchikawa Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-20 Shinyama, Kikuyo, Kikuchi District, Kumamoto 869-1109, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-232-8088
webseite: www.ichikawa-dent.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.865407, Longitude: 130.789613

kommentare 5

  • つーむ



    It is a complete reservation system. For treatment, you can only make reservations twice a month. It is quite difficult to make a reservation. As a result, tooth decay became severe. However, if it hurts, they will take care of you in their spare time and give you painkillers. Once you leave your hair untied From a dental hygienist He asked me to come after tying it. I was confused because it was my first time hearing this. Mainly regular checkups I think it's good for people who don't have a lot of cavities.

  • スロー石ズーミン



    Kind, polite, and skilled. A safe dentist 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • D D

    D D


    Anyway, the receptionist was nice and kind.The doctor and nurse were also very nice.It was a big difference from the dentist near me.

  • にゃんころ



    I am being taken care of by my children. My child hates hospitals and cries just by looking at his mouth, but he is treated with kindness and care. Appointments are required, so there is almost no waiting time, and you rarely see other patients.

  • みっしぇるえりモン



    Polite, kind, reservation only

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