Ichibun w Tsubame




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2 Chome-32 Idomaki, Tsubame, Niigata 959-1232, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 256-46-8481
strona internetowej: ja-jp.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 37.6544119, Longitude: 138.9285871

komentarze 5

  • ēŸ¢éƒØč–«



    First visit for lunch before going to Rankeisou šŸš— You can eat Togakushi's handmade soba noodlesšŸ„¢ It was a weekday, but the reviews said it would be crowded, so I made a reservation for 11:30. 2-3 km from Sanjo Tsubame ICšŸ” Surrounded by residential areas, factories, and rice fields. Parking lot in front of the storešŸ…æ Counter seats and 3 table seats. The chopsticks are Hiba from Aomori šŸ„¢ The utensils are made by an artist from Shibata City šŸ¶ The salt is from Sado šŸŒŠ The menu covers are also handmade and change with the seasons. My husband had angel shrimp tempura and mori sobašŸ¤ I am Kamo SeirošŸ¦† Sovarroa for dessertšŸ„„ The soba noodles are firm, the duck is tender, and the tempura is crispy. The shrimp were delicious without any stickiness at allšŸ˜‹ The soba soup is cloudy and creamy. It's clever that it comes with a choko spout for soba-yu. It's my first time, but I hope other soba restaurants will imitate it. The sovarrois came in a demitasse cup, and at first I thought the portion was small, but it had a rich and authentic taste, so it was perfect for two people to share. I was also interested in the souvenir karinto. I registered as a member on the way home. I would love to visit againšŸŒŸ

  • mirage



    I ordered one duck bamboo steamer and one shrimp tempura (not pictured). Both the duck steamer and shrimp tempura were very delicious, but I thought that 420 yen was a little high for the size of the shrimp tempura. The soba soup was surprisingly delicious.

  • å¤¢ćŒćµć£ćØ恤!é£Ÿć¹ę­©ććƒ–ćƒ­ć‚°



    The inside of the store has a very calming atmosphere, with a clean Japanese atmosphere and modernity. Before coming, I had already decided on ``duck steamer'', so that's what I ordered. When I listened to the orders of other customers, most of them ordered ``Duck Seiro'', which may be the most popular item. The duck meat, the pickled soup made from the meat stock, and the green onions that soaked up the oil from the duck meat are absolutely delicious! The pickle soup seems to be a little lighter than regular pickle soup, but it is strong enough to absorb the flavorful soba noodles. šŸ˜† And Trottoro's "Sobayu" is absolutely delicious! I'm glad to have such a delicious restaurant nearby, thank you for the meal!

  • bakiiynn



    number one Your husband is For soba and other ingredients be particular about This is excellent soba noodles. The soba noodles at Seiro are also great. Tanuki rice is also highly recommended. Please enjoy the tanuki rice. Nanban curry soba the other day? (Sorry if the name is wrong...I forgot) I received it It was delicious The soba soup is so rich that I need a refill. It's a small shop so It can be fully booked as soon as it opens. Because it happens sometimes We recommend making reservations by phone in the evening. When the store opens at 6pm in the evening Even if you arrive first Reservations are given priority Even if there are 3 cars in front of the store Depending on the situation, you may have to wait for an hour or more. It's written on the menu Read the owner's commitment Please look forward to it I will rise again Thank you for your continued support.

  • SGMP



    Delicious food. Fragrance is all about. Just awesome.

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