Hyakujushi Bank Higashi Branch w Takamatsu

JaponiaHyakujushi Bank Higashi Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-12-28 Matsushimachō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0068, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 87-834-4114
strona internetowej: www.114bank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3347088, Longitude: 134.0684966

komentarze 5

  • sasa



    I was really hurt by the insensitive comments made by a female bank employee who seemed to be in the office. I will never sign a contract again. I was truly scarred for life.

  • sin taka

    sin taka


    Perm at the counter? The woman in question was terrible. When I went to deposit some change from the company's sales, she was beaten up again and asked, ``How many years did it take you to save up this much change?'' Please deposit it quickly before you start bashing me pointlessly. Thank you very much for your help at the previous Kitacho, Rainbow, and Sunmesse stores. I understand that there are no stores due to the trend of the times, but please make sure that the parking lot is wide and easy to park.Every day around 3:00 pm, there is a huge traffic jam, with male bank employees in suits directing the traffic. Shops in Tokushima and Kochi are still closed for an hour during the day when they are most busy due to the coronavirus! ! 114 Bank: Is everything okay? ?

  • あい



    Responses are cold and words are often insufficient. Also, documents are collected silently.

  • はぁちゃん



    The service at the counter is terrible. Without checking with us, the person inside made their own assumptions and was kept waiting for nearly 30 minutes during the consultation. In the end, my boss, who was not in charge, came out and explained it again. The response has finally been completed. It takes more than 40 minutes just to withdraw money. There was no apology and the woman at the counter had the worst attitude. I will never go there again.

  • 佐々木英統



    Earthly close type

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