護身術クラヴマガ(Krav Maga)のマガジム六本木店 en Minato-ku

Japón護身術クラヴマガ(Krav Maga)のマガジム六本木店



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒106-0032 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi, 3 Chome−14−7 アロービル 4F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6432-9945
sitio web: www.magagym.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.662543, Longitude: 139.734971

comentarios 5

  • Nathan Berrett

    Nathan Berrett


    Thought I’d try Krav Maga while in Tokyo for a year. Did about 10 months here mostly stuck around for sparring (Have a background in MT) most of the instructors weren’t good. A couple of them were good because they have a foundation in MMA or Muay Thai but it’s mostly just a woman’s fitness gym. They’ll complain when students don’t know a technique when they haven’t taught it yet, no progression system and if you join a sparring class you’ll see terrible boxing which is a result of no trainer feedback at all. Look elsewhere if you want to learn actual Krav Maga.

  • Saya E

    Saya E


    Fun and easy access. For the place (Roppongi) it's an affordable price.

  • 佐藤克行




  • Jessica Yamaguchi

    Jessica Yamaguchi


    Took a trial class and felt pretty cramped. Seems like it's popular, but if you want enough space to really move without worrying about crashing into someone else, this isn't the right fit for you. I know it wasn't for me.

  • Ricky Hough

    Ricky Hough


    Took 5 classes and did the same thing in every class. Same choke defense was taught every time I went. If you want to practice real Krav Maga, don't come here. If you want a fitness class with a little watered down Krav Maga sprinkled in, this is the place for you. Fee system is also a scam. McDojo hustling for money. NOT a real Krav Maga system.

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