花田流焼肉 炭家 Sumiya29 en Nakano City

Japón花田流焼肉 炭家 Sumiya29



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒165-0025 Tokyo, Nakano City, Numabukuro, 4-chōme−32−6 ファミール堀野A棟
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3319-8629
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.723686, Longitude: 139.661713

comentarios 5

  • あきこ



  • 吉本Tara-Hina



    I went with 4 friends and their husbands. The meat was very high quality and I usually end up sagging when I eat too much high quality meat, but it was okay. The meat was also grilled, so the timing was perfect to get the best doneness. It was very delicious However, since it was a course, the portion was a little too much for us. If you could prepare a smaller course, it would be easier for two people to go, but please consider it🤗

  • T S

    T S


    The owner, who is particular about his meat, will let you eat a variety of meats. The menu you can eat will increase depending on the number of times you visit.

  • Crimson Wolf

    Crimson Wolf


    The best yakiniku on the planet! Reservations only so be sure to call ahead. Don't order from the menu, give them your budget and let Master work his magic! Become a regular and you will be able to enjoy the amazing ura menu!




    This restaurant has unique characteristics such as its own ``Spicy Yakiniku'' with imprinted spices, original ``Hanadare Yakiniku'', and ``Special Loin'' topped with garlic butter. Finish off your meal with additive-free ``natural ramen.''

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