ホワイトホワイト ルミネ新宿店 w Shinjuku City

Japoniaホワイトホワイト ルミネ新宿店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nishishinjuku, 1-chōme−1−5 ルミネ新宿1 8F
kontakt telefon: +81 120-469-701
strona internetowej: www.whitewhite.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6891816, Longitude: 139.6992916

komentarze 5

  • みい



    At White White Shinjuku store thank you for helping me. You can temporarily insert it before it is completely glued. I was satisfied with the color and shape! When I went out at the time of temporary storage I was told that my impression had changed. Please really ask here I thought it was great! You can spend your future life with a smile! thank you very much!

  • Ken H

    Ken H


    Thank you for your help with ceramic treatment and whitening. Thank you for creating a very beautiful finish.

  • イシハラアサミ



    My teeth were in a state of disrepair, I'm so impressed with how well it turned out! During the treatment, he was always polite and kind enough to explain things to me, so I was able to feel comfortable during the treatment. Thank you very much for your long time. Sincerely!

  • natsumi suzuki

    natsumi suzuki


    Thank you for your help with ceramic treatment. It was great that I was able to sign up for the plan I needed without any pushy sales. In addition, the number of hospital visits can be completed with a minimum number of visits, so I think this is a very good clinic for those who want speedy and reasonable treatment. I look forward to using your teeth whitening services in the future.

  • Yuka



    I visited him several times for in-office whitening. It's so white that it's unrecognizable and I'm so impressed! Even my family was surprised. I had the impression that whitening was painful, but the whitening gel never got into my teeth during the treatment. Also, the doctor in charge was kind and gave me warm words every time I met him, which made me feel better. I'll be sure to follow up with you again in the future. thank you very much!

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