Howaitoessensukameinu (Kazawashika) In en Koriyama

JapónHowaitoessensukameinu (Kazawashika) In



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Japan, 〒963-8025 Fukushima, Koriyama, Kuwano, 2-chōme−20−17 ジネックスビル2F ぬかざわ歯科医院内
contactos teléfono: +81 120-708-846
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.4029919, Longitude: 140.3553408

comentarios 5

  • Katsu ITO

    Katsu ITO


    I tried a cleaning professional for the first time. Unlike cleanings covered by insurance, there is no pain at all, and the aromatic scent is so relaxing that you can almost fall asleep. I plan to continue receiving it regularly.

  • そめ



    I came in for a cleaning that was not covered by insurance. I was very satisfied because the colored stains that I was worried about were removed in one shot! It was very comfortable to have the treatment done in a relaxing private room. I thought I would like to visit regularly!

  • 哲也



    I used it for the first time. I asked a cleaning professional to do it for me, and I'm more than satisfied with the price. My gums have been in great condition since the day after the treatment. Mr. Sato, who was in charge of the cleaning, was very kind and thorough in his explanations and cleaning. I would like to clean it regularly.

  • カシ〜



    Thank you for your help in cleaning my teeth. The staff are very kind and polite, making it very easy to get around. I think it varies from person to person, but I don't feel much pain during the treatment, and the room itself is a very relaxing space, so I sometimes fall asleep. In addition, since we can quickly find early cavities that you would not be able to find on your own, you will no longer have to worry about leaving them untreated. I will continue to visit you in the future.




    I was concerned about the colored stains, so I asked for it to be cleaned this time. It was my first time, but it was great that they not only did a cleaning, but also carefully explained the current state of my mouth. The private room with its aromatic scent and relaxing music was so relaxing that I fell asleep halfway through the trip. I was very satisfied with the results and would like to continue receiving treatments regularly in the future. The person in charge, Mr. Kanno, was also very nice, thank you very much.

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